Where possible, please use the headline from the article's webpage and write your thoughts in the comments section to encourage discussion. While this subreddit welcomes a wide spectrum of views on immigration, submissions promoting or obviously biased by racism or xenophobia, or that promote fear-mongering and anti-immigration sentiment will be removed.It is advised that anything that might be considered an advertisement be kept within private messages. Attorneys may offer their services to redditors who ask for help, but are discouraged from posting links to their websites in public comments.If you really want to advertise, consider a paid targeted reddit advertisement. Even links to blog articles on attorney websites will be removed. Submissions and comments which are obviously adverts will be removed as spam.If the article you are posting is a short article summarizing a larger article on another site, please post the link to the larger source article. However, posts which seem to ask for a "how to" to break the law or avoid detection by authorities will be removed. Questions about whether something is legal, what other people's experiences have been, or what the punishment is for something are legitimate.